Saturday, April 19, 2014

It is for freedom!!! That Christ has set us free.......**!*!*!*!*!*

I have the best friend in the world. Right at the worst moment, she drove up. I actually was no happy to see her, because at that moment I cried, "GOD! I can't do this! I'm so tired...!" I hadn't gotten dressed that morning, or cleaned my floor, or made the bed or brushed my teeth. I felt miserable. Woke up exhausted, irritated, with sharp back pain every time I bent down to pick up my 25lb adorable toddler. My first confession to her was, "I am sick and tired of being sick and tired!!" and then the tears just broke. "That's why I've been spending all this money on supplements and listening to all these health podcasts and eating such a ridiculously limited diet, cuz I just want to feel good again!!!" Hot tears streamed down my face. No my head was pounding from the anger and grief.

She sat with me, made me do nothing but talk. Everything she spoke from the Spirit is so true. A spirit of oppression has been hovering over me for the past 2-3 years, demanding things of me that I cannot achieve. I have been requiring myself to strive to such a standard that is impossible. I hear the words of my husband and his family and the cultural supposed "norm" and I have beat myself to be the best, make it all happen, have the organized and clean home, be the perfect wife, please my husband, make his family proud, and somehow strive to avoid tears and fights with my son.

It's ok to have a bad day. It's ok to have a dirty floor, or for my son to be mad, or my husband's dinner not ready when he gets home. It's ok if my husband is upset with me--imagine that!!

I have been secure in myself for so long. God is stripping that away, so that I will find my security only in HIM.

I will not worry about money, or food, or cleanliness, or my son's appearance, my husband's happiness, my sleep or my circles under my eyes, I will not worry about my health or my vitality or my purpose. I will not worry about missing out on life. I will not worry about my goat getting milked or my cheese turning out. I will not worry about my work or pleasing every person. I will not WORRY but I will BE.

I am loved.

I am accepted.

I am perfect in Christ.

I am a good mom. I am a good wife. I am a good employee, a good friend, a loved daughter in law.

I am at rest.

So I casted that spirit of oppression away and out of my life my soul my home and its assignment over me, by the precious sacrificed blood of Jesus Christ--- He DIED THAT I COULD BE FREE.

Thank you Lord, for good friends. Thank you for freedom. Holy Spirit, help me walk it out. The next time my husband or someone else says something condemning--help me access the love and acceptance and rest I have inside of my spirit through Your presence. And help me know how to respond out of knowing and being Beloved by You.

I am your daughter. And I am free.   :)

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