Thursday, August 6, 2015


I went to an abdominal ultrasound today for a “palpable mass” that a family doctor was actually able to feel. But the ultrasound was inconclusive. Ultrasonography can’t see past or into the intestines. So if it’s something of that nature it will require a CT scan or MRI, which will have to be after the baby is born- due March 26th.

You know what’s awful? I actually wish they would have found a tumor. Because then there would be a defined cause, and an explanation, and a course of action. Instead of everyone just thinking I’m psychosomatic, or weak and complaining, self-centered and spoiled. I would actually rather have cancer than have this.

I want to be cured. I want to be the former self again. I want to be happy and healthy, energetic and vibrant. I want to enjoy my 2 year old and my pregnancy. I want to enjoy cooking for my husband, enjoy food, and exercise with enthusiasm. Instead of walking around like a bloated, nauseous, shell of fatigue. And inevitably depression follows. As bad as it is, my heart hurts worse than the symptoms. I’d rather have pain than this.

God, I still know you can cure me. I still believe you want to. But I don’t understand why. Bill Johnson says you must have continual mystery in your life to challenge your faith. Well I sure do.

Please help.